Different forms of Daiva in Daivaradhane

Daivaradhane is basically worshipping the spirit. Which is called as bhutas, daiva, Sathya and many more.  Still some research is going on this topic. Few of the researcher tell that, we should not call them as bhutas and few researchers tell there is nothing wrong in calling spirit as bhutas.

There are 3 type of spirit worship in Daivaradhane

1) Animals Background

Basically, our ancestors are agriculturists. whose main goal was to protect their cultivated crops. So, they started worshipping mother earth and when they found the destruction is possible from animal kingdom like snacks, tigers, cows, pigs, corcodile and many more. the only possible way was to worship them and make them satisy.

From then we started worshipping daivas like panjurli, maisandaya, Pili bhoota, sarpa etc 

2) Human Origin

Basically what is bhutas?
 If we come across the meaning of bhuta. It is a word representing our past. Something which already happened in past  is called bhuta Kala. And spirit of the passed-out  person  is also called as bhutas.

 when we change the word bhuta to some other language  it's meaning  will not changes accordingly .
Like ,when we tell it in English..  Bhuta will be literally  called as devil or ghost. same way bhootaradhane will be called devil worship which is sham. 

Why did ancestors called few spirits as bhutas?
It is not appropriate in calling everything as bhuta. Bhutas are called to those spirit which  had its existence just like us and because of some reason or some obstacles faced by them.they faced unusual death. but with the grace of God and the good sins which they did towards society, they were worship by their descendents. such type of spirit where called bhutas.
For example: kallurti-kalkuda twins who belong to sculpture family lost their life jumping into lakes only to Reoccurrence as spirits with a motive of revenge for injustice meted out to Kalkuda.

Kallurti Bhuta

3) Mythology 

Before Tulunadu people who were called tuluvas had no proper knowledge beyond boundaries of tulunadu. So, the daivas which has obscure origin  was titled as "gattardh baidina daiva" (Got down from mountains) and the daivas which came to earth from the boon of God (according to pad-danas). Came into this catergeries.
Such as guliga, jumadi, annappa panjurli  etc
Jumadi daiva

©vishal Kadri 

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  1. Sir We from Moya Community ( historically Fishermen of Rivers (Moya river exists near Ooty, a place where Tamil Nadu, Kerala & Karnataka physical orders meet) & Sea are blessed by Bhagavathis, incarnation of Mahakali & we have 11 Daivasthanas right from Manikothu in Kasargod to last Bhagavathi Daivasthanas at Adka, near Ullal railway station. Later local Tulu BhoothaPanjurli in the form of Annappa Panjurli of Dharmasrhala joined Bhagavathis in Tulu naadu.

    So, equating Daivas & Bhootas is wrong. Even Amrit Someshwar, a Moya like us, has also not clear of this important distinct difference

    Please enlighten us
    Warm regards,
